Once upon a time…

Daily Prompt

Today’s Daily Prompt

I’m always reading more than one book at a time. Sometime in June, I was reading four books at the same time. It’s just something I do.

I digress.

So, I’m currently reading one book – Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett – on my iPad. Opening a random page, I select the tenth word – TIME.

But, Shantaram has been lying on my nightstand for the last week, unread. And since the challenge asks us to ‘grab the nearest book’, I thought I’d literally do that. So again, opening to a random page, I select the tenth word – ONCE.

TIME and ONCE. Perfect. Here goes.

I haven’t been having great work days in the past few weeks. I know it’s all a slow learning process, and I am indeed learning a lot, but I can’t help feeling down some days.


Google Image search for ‘time’

On these dejected days, I feel like time is running out, and I haven’t yet done anything worthwhile.


Google Image suggestions for ‘time’

Then I remember I’m only 24.

And for all the millions of people out there who have achieved great things in life at such a young age, there’s millions more who are clueless about life just like I am.

I’m unsure about my career, even though I have a stable job and am good at it. I dream of settling down and having a happy ever after with the right person.


Google Image search for ‘once’

Then I remember I’m only 24.

I have all this time to live, do things, make mistakes and more importantly, dream.

I’m positive that one day, I’ll find the life I want. But till then, I’m going to live one day at a time, and focus on being a happy and content person – the kind of person I want to be now and forever.

Einstein quote